This past month has been an interesting month with testing how much our bodies and minds can go through! God created strong bodies and minds and for that we are thankful!!! Adam and I both had a flu/cold that made us slow down for one week. Then we went on a trip with Pastor Fred and Barb to a resort 7 hours drive away for a mission meeting. The roads here are very rough, winding and with no limit so just starting this trip was a great adventure. It was nice to get away from Davao city and just have a different scenrery. We were able to be by water for 3 days and just be surrounding by God's beauty. It was also very renewing of our minds and spirit to hear other missionaries in the Philippines; hearing what God is doing in their ministry. God is moving and is encouraging to hear. On sunday we starting our trek back to davao but only drove 2 hours and had to stay in Butuan City where Fred and Barb had to meet the missionary director. So we stayed there over night and at that time Adam was starting to feel sick to his stomach and was having lots of pain. Monday we started our trek home 5 hour drive and Adam was very pale and sick. We had to stop the truck at one put for him to vomitt! So that started our adventure with a parasite Adam recieved in his bowel. It is mostly caught from dirty water. That has been a 3 week adventure. Thankful he is doing alot better. I have never seen him so sick before. He was so weak for 2 weeks and was not eating due to the pain and it not staying in his system even if he did try to eat. God has done great things though, helped guide us in getting the right medication and also helped keep adams mind strong and focused on God and his healing. This week has been alot better, adam is back eating and coming out with me on our normal daily adventures. So praise God and thanks for the prayers! During this time it was good timing for me because I was starting to rely alot on just Adam, for my confidence, for helping with every task that i used to be able to do on my own such as grocery shopping, getting gas or even search for medications! Since being here and continually being looked at, admired at and getting watched with every move you make I started to lose alot of confidence. But because Adam was not able to do anything I had to step out and start doing things I started being uncomfortable doing. This has been a great break through! Im loving being here more, I have the confidence back. And it was showed me that we need to continue to step out of our comfort zones so we can reach the unreachable. We have started to write our proposal for the clinic but now we are seeing it more as a community ministry centre. With this development we are going to have to continue to step out, develop relationship we have not done yet or have not been able to really establish yet due to barriers. We have to start ignoring the barriers and just keep stepping. So this month has been alot of learning experiences, empowerment and some falls. Those falls though are not failures (can't believe Im saying this when failing is my worst fear!!!! ) they are just stepping stones to the next stage in developing our project that we are starting from scratch! When we have developed the proposal more we will update everyone on that as well!
In a week Fred and Barb are going back to the states for 3 months. We are going to be taking care of their dog which I am very excited about. This dog is very special, she is the only dog Adam likes and actually cuddles with!!!
I believe that is all for now! will update soon again!