Sunday, August 14, 2011

Results in Waiting on God!

Today was amazing God day!  An amazing encouragement and excitment!  For the community development project we have proposed for the community we are working in we had felt to transform the people it had to be more than us just giving and doing.  There need to be participation from the people and organization locally.  Participation from the community members is really important to break the cycle of poverty so they can be empowered to change their lifestyle not just except it.  We have established some leaders to help with the project and the next step was to find networks.  Well Adam and I struggled with this because we do not know organizations and they don't know us so this was a huge test of waiting on the Lord and trusting that He would provide and show us the people to talk to.  Well He did it!!  When I was sick with pneumonia there was a day that i was questioning God if i should start going back to the community and working or continue to stay home and rest that morning I had my devotion time and God had showed me that I need to embrace the moments of when at rest due to sickness and trust God that he has a purpose and small ministry in the times of rest. So i stayed home that day and our neighbour came over to bring us fruit as per her routine if she recieved too many from her friends.  She lives alone and is a widow of 11 years.  That day when she came I was not able to really talk with her and I felt bad so I prayed again because I felt like I missed the opportunity of ministry. So that evening Adam made his favourite dessert and I felt led to go the next morning and bring a plate of the dessert to our neighbour and that was when she told me that she is apart of the Lions Club and each mouth they need to a program for the community.  They normally go to schools but she didn't want to do that anymore because she wanted to reach to the poorer areas where the help was needed.  That was last month.  Two days ago she knocks at our door and asked me to come over because the president of the Lions club was there and wanted to discuss a project.  They had 70 slippers for children and was wanting to come to bucana and hand them out.  So today they came and had 70 slippers and paper pads, pensils and pens.  It was a great day.  We had 50 kids there and many more that we can go and distribute so after they saw the kids today they said by next week they will have 40 more and will just give them adam and I and we can give them out.  So amazing!!!  They talked with Pastor Johnny and us and said because each month they need to do a project they would like to do a medical and dental clinic in october and in november have red cross come to donate blood.  and they said they will help with donations for feedings for the children.  This is a huge blessing!  It has really encouraged everyone involved that God is moving and making things happen.  Empowerment is happening!  here are some pictures!

 the one sitting down is our neighbour

 the children singing for the guests!

 Praying blessing over the guests

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